Our Processes
Getting the right message to the right audience at the right time to produce the right results!
Do you know who your customers are? Do you know how to Reach them? You don’t have to, because that is our specialty!
Industry Research-
Learn about your industry, challenges over the past year, forecast for next year, marketing opportunities, Consumer spending for your product by zip code, etc.
Consumer Research-
Who is your primary target market, secondary audience, How do these audiences utilize traditional, digital and social media in their daily lives?
Competitive Analysis
Who is your competition? What is your share of voice in the market? How do you differentiate yourself from your competition?
Where is your business revenue now, and where do you want it to be?
Analyze all available media sources that target your customer to establish a media strategy that fits your ad budget and decide upon creative strategy to best represent your brand to your target market to accomplish goals.
We provide an annual plan to our clients that detail by month the promotion/creative/media details by media source with impressions/grps/spots/Reach/Frequency Data. This is the path to achieve our goals.
ROI Analysis
We track website traffic, calls, in store traffic, sales, and conversions week to week and year to year to measure our results.
Our tracking and ROI analysis of each media allows us to consistently revise and optimize our plan to make sure our ad dollars are being utilized in the most efficient manner possible and delivering the results desired.
Let our Marketing experience make a difference to your bottom line.
Contact us for a no charge analysis of your advertising and marketing plan.
Let our Market Leading Media Strategist work for YOU!